The Major in Marketing consists of a minimum of 51 hours in business and related fields.
Required courses include:
Major and Major-Related Courses
Either of the following:
MTH 221 | Inferential Statistics w/Data Visualization | 3 |
| Or | |
MTH 222 | Regression Analysis | 3 |
One course from the following:
ENG 317 | Public Relations Writing and Practice | 3 |
PLS 121 | Contemporary Political Issues | 3 |
PLS 122 | American Government and Politics | 3 |
PLS 211 | Comparative Government and Politics | 3 |
PLS 212 | International Politics | 3 |
PLS 232 | Public Policy | 3 |
A double major is not permitted in any combination of two of the following majors: Finance/Accounting, Hospitality and Regional Identity, Human Resource Management, International Business, Marketing, and Management.