The Major in Hospitality and Regional Identity requires a minimum of 58 credit hours.
Required courses include:
Major and Major-Related Courses
BUS 120 | Introduction to Hospitality and the Customer Experience | 3 |
BUS 201 | Principles of Management | 3 |
BUS 215 | Principles of Accounting | 3 |
BUS 248 | Hospitality Marketing | 3 |
BUS 305 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
BUS 316 | Management Accounting | 3 |
BUS 322 | Hospitality Management and Operations | 3 |
BUS 324 | Hospitality and Regional Identity through Food and Beverages | 3 |
BUS 333 | Human Resource Management | 3 |
BUS 337 | Internship in Business - Hospitality and Regional Identity | 6 |
BUS 344 | Principles of Finance | 3 |
BUS 351 | Senior Study I | 3 |
BUS 352 | Senior Study II | 3 |
BUS 401 | Strategic Management | 3 |
OST 103 | Introduction to Sustainable Tourism | 3 |
SOC 101 | Introductory Sociology | 3 |
Choose one of the following:
MCW 299 | Issues in Professional Development | 0-1 |
SLS 299 | Issues in Professional Development | 2 |
Choose two of the following:
HIS 248 | Appalachian Cultural and Social History | 3 |
OST 205 | Food Traditions of Appalachia | 3 |
REL 209 | Religion in the Southern Appalachians | 3 |
SOC 222 | Sociology of Appalachia | 3 |
BIO 311 | Natural History of the Great Smoky Mountains | 4 |
A double-major is not permitted in any combination of the following majors: Finance/Accounting, Hospitality and Regional Identity, Human Resource Management, International Business, Marketing, and Management.