The English Major requires a minimum of 53 hours, including 48 hours in English and 5 hours in related fields. Transfer students bringing 45 or more credit hours in transfer are exempted from HUM 299, with the result that the major requirement is reduced to 52 hours.
Required courses include:
Major and Major-Related Courses
A Foundational Literature Survey–4 required courses (12 hrs.):
ENG 191 | American Literature: Puritan through Romantic | 3 |
ENG 292 | American Literature: Realism to the Present | 3 |
ENG 196 | Survey of British Literature I | 3 |
ENG 297 | Survey of British Literature II | 3 |
An Additional Literature Survey Course (3 hrs.):
ENG 160 | The Early Western Literary Tradition | 3 |
ENG 170 | The Modern Western Literary Tradition | 3 |
ENG 180 | Literature and the American Experience | 3 |
ENG 181 | Women's and Multicultural Literature | 3 |
ENG 182 | Literature and the Classical Tradition | 3 |
Four additional English courses above the 100 level (12 hrs.)
May include a maximum of two courses (6 hrs.) in creative writing or professional writing.
May include ENG 337: Internship (3 hrs.)
Three other literature courses taken at the 300 level or higher (9 hrs.)
One related course chosen from the following list (3 hrs.):
HIS 131 | Early American History: 1492-1865 | 3 |
HIS 132 | Modern American History: 1865-Present | 3 |
PHL 205 | Early Modern Philosophy from 16th to the 18th Century | 3 |
PHL 206 | Enlightenment & Late Modern Philosophy 18th-20th Century | 3 |
PHL 207 | Contemporary Philosophy | 3 |
No more than one core-eligible literature course numbered below ENG 190 (3 hrs.) may be counted toward the major (e.g. ENG 160, ENG 170, ENG 180, ENG 181, ENG 182).