The Minor in Community Psychology consists of 15 credit hours.
Required courses include:
Minor and Minor-Related Courses
One of the following:
SOC 328 | Global Feminisms | 3 |
SOC 326 | Social Movements | 3 |
SOC 320 | Development and Globalization | 3 |
ENV 101 | Environmental Issues and Foundations of Sustainability | 3 |
SUS 101 | Environmental Issues and Foundations of Sustainability | 3 |
PHL 207 | Contemporary Philosophy | 3 |
PHL 249 | Selected Topics | 3 |
Note for
PHL 207 and
PHL 249: These courses are options for the minor only when focused on the issues of Justice; check the course title in Self Service and consult your academic advisor or the course instructor to be sure.
Students who major in Developmental Psychology, Neuroscience, Psychology, or Psychology with a Counseling Track cannot fulfill the Community Psychology minor with courses serving as electives in their major.