A period of study is possible at any time after the first year, but most students find the third year, or the preceding summer, the most convenient time. Planning needs to start well in advance and is best done in close consultation with the academic advisor and the Director of International Education. Approval for education abroad is required. Students apply to the Center for Global Engagement (CGE), must meet minimum G.P.A. standards, and must follow the application procedures set by the CGE.
Students also may choose to study at foreign institutions with which Maryville College does not have a relationship; however, different policies and practices may apply. Further, the College will scrutinize carefully, and may reject, credits earned at institutions overseas.
The programs at institutions described in this catalog have been screened for academic quality and attention to the needs of students studying abroad. More information on programs can be found on the Maryville College education abroad website https://www.maryvillecollege.edu/studyabroad and through the Center for Global Engagement at International House.