The College welcomes qualified area high school juniors and seniors to take classes on a space available basis. Students are considered for admission as a Dual Enrollment student if they have junior standing in high school, a minimum 3.0 grade point average or a minimum ACT score of 21 (SAT of 930). For dual enrollment consideration, students must submit a high school transcript or SAT or ACT scores and have the high school principal and school counselor complete an approval form provided by the College. Students must reapply for each term they wish to enroll as Dual Enrollment students at Maryville College and continuation is at the discretion of the College. The deadline for submitting Dual Enrollment applications is May 1 for the following fall term and December 1 for the following spring term. High school students are limited to no more than 4 credit hours each fall and spring term. Students wishing to take more than 4 credit hours may be approved on a case by case basis. High school students are enrolled in college courses on a space available basis as current Maryville College students receive priority in class placements.
High school students seeking to enroll part-time as a Dual Enrollment student should submit the following:
- Dual enrollment student application for admission, complete with authorized signatures from school administration
- Official transcript of high school work. Home schooled students should submit a summary of high school level subjects studied along with an assessment of academic achievement in each area studied
- Scores from either the American College Testing Program (ACT) or the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) of the College Entrance Examination Board, if available
- Application with TSAC (Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation), if eligible, for the Dual Enrollment Grant: education-lottery-programs/dual-enrollment-grant.html