A student may be granted an Emergency Temporary Leave of Absence (ETLOA) for a period not to exceed two consecutive weeks at one time, within an academic semester. Each request will be reviewed on an individualized basis and may require appropriate documentation to support the request. Additional time may be granted, when medically indicated. Requests for an emergency temporary leave of absence will be reviewed and approved by the Vice President & Dean of Students and communicated to the Assistant Academic Dean for a specified period of time.

An emergency temporary leave of absence may be applicable for students who must be absent for mental and/or physical health reasons, or any other personal or family emergency. Failure to attend classes by the return date specified on the emergency temporary leave of absence form may result in an administrative withdrawal from the College.

Students are encouraged to consult with appropriate offices regarding the applicability of an emergency temporary leave of absence. Examples of such consultations may include, but are not limited to, conversations with the Title IX Coordinator, Disability Resources & Accessibility staff, Director of Prevention Education, Counseling Center staff, and/or academic advisor. Students may submit their request via email, by contacting the Dean of Students office during College business hours.

When feasible, students should seek approval of the emergency temporary leave of absence prior to the start of the absence. However, the College is aware that extenuating circumstances may exist in emergency situations where such prior approval is not feasible. In rare circumstances when the student is unable to initiate a request for Emergency Temporary LOA, the Dean of Students can initiate the process.