Honors study at Maryville College may be pursued in three ways. Participation in any honors program is reserved for those students with a cumulative grade point average of 3.25 or higher and who have attained sophomore standing. However, first year Presidential and Dean’s scholars enroll in Honors Tutorial Training. Honors work is voluntary, except for Presidential Scholars and Dean’s Scholars, who are required to participate in a prescribed number of honors activities. Honors study is distinct from and in no way related to honors designations for graduating seniors (cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude). Honors study is noted on College transcripts.
Honors Seminars are offered occasionally by members of the Maryville College faculty. Honors seminars may be special sections of regular course offerings, or they may cover topics not regularly a part of the College curriculum. Honors seminars may be electives, major courses (if approved by the academic division chair), or general education courses (if approved by the Chair of the Core Curriculum). Honors seminars are listed in the Schedule of Courses with enrollment normally limited to 15 students.
Honors Study within Existing Courses permits students of superior ability to pursue honors study in courses in which they are registered. The honors work goes beyond basic course requirements and may take the form of additional reading, writing, experimentation or creative work, performance or any combination of these. For successful completion of honors study in an existing course, students receive one additional credit hour beyond the regular credit allotment for the course. Arrangements for honors study are negotiated with the course instructor and require the approval of the relevant academic division chair(s). The arrangements must be reported to the Registrar no later than the first week of the course.
Honors Tutorial Practica are programs of tutoring and/or other appropriate academic work with faculty under the coordination of the Academic Support Center staff. Each practicum in this special program is awarded one credit hour and the course may be repeated to a maximum of four credit hours. With the permission of the instructor, the practicum may be taken on a non- credit basis. Satisfactory completion of Honors Tutorial Training is a prerequisite to all Honors Tutorial Practica.